Monday, August 26, 2013

Misleading the public - sequestration edition ...

There is some discussion of a cutback to National Park budgets hurting the US economy - which we know is false.

I found this line most interesting:

John Noel, the canal’s chief of interpretation, education and partnerships, said that about $500,000 has been cut from the park’s roughly $10 million budget.
“We have a reduced number in attendance, because we are offering less programs, and visitor centers are open less,” he said. “People are still coming to the parks but interacting less with the interpreters.”
The visitor center in Williamsport has reduced its hours of operation from seven days a week to Wednesday through Sunday.
This is a 5% cut.  How are you open 2 fewer days per week (over 25% reduction) from a 5% budget cut?  If a private enterprise had an official say this, their entire team would have been fired and a new team would have been put in place.

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