Friday, May 3, 2013

Government inefficiency - duck stamp edition

Feds award "Duck Stamp" award to 6-year old, then it rescind saying she plagiarized.  


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which runs the annual contest, says that by first tracing the outlines of her duck from one of her father’s unpublished photos before painting it, MadisonGrimm violated the rules. 
But Madison’s father Adam says the rules don’t actually ban tracing or “graphite transfer,” and he is backed up by the man who used to run the program and helped write the current rules, who said there’s no way Madison should have been disqualified — much less been declared the winner and then had it rescinded.
Robert Lesino, who ran the duck stamp program from 1993 through 2001, said he was shocked that the current program officials wrote the letter disqualifying Madison, saying the explanation seemed thin to him.
He said the rules were meant to stop someone from taking a picture from the encyclopedia and tracing it, or tracing over a previous year’s duck stamp winner. He said graphite transfer from someone’s own unpublished photo was not meant to be outlawed.

Wow.  This is how we spend our tax dollars?  Employing these people?  This family probably has a pretty good case in a lawsuit, as well.  This means even more taxpayer money wasted.

This is just awful.  Why can't the sequester eliminate the jobs for these clowns?  

Update - I was finishing this post when I saw the government has now reinstated her as winner.  Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.  

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